A new year, maybe a new job?

So you worked an entire year and now you are not so sure if you should move on or stay? Often people are torn between staying in their current role or leaving to "greener pastures" and wonder to themselves, how do I know that I have passed my expiry date at my current company? The signs are all there and once you know how to spot them you will be able to make a seamless decision, after all we have all been here at one stage or another. The signs: 1) Every morning you wake up you literally have to throw yourself out of bed and drag you're behind to work. Remember work should be enjoyable after all that's where you spend most of your time. As a recruiter it is not only my job to help the client find the right candidate but I am also responsible for finding you the perfect role so that you won't have to feel this way. 2) When you are at work, you count the seconds to home time even though you only started 5 minutes ago. 3) Usually you are...