Finding My Reason

In life you will be faced with so many decisions, choices and disappointments and sometimes you may find yourself asking the question, why am I doing this? I cannot even begin to tell you how many times I have heard people tell me urgh, why do I have to go to work again today? Or to those that are studying when it comes down to prepping for an exam they ask themselves why did I put myself through this? I have one piece of advise to you all, Find your Reason! For anything in life you do things for a reason, that reason may just be to earn money but then I ask you why do you need to earn money, and if you dig deeper I am sure you will say to support your family, to pay for a Bond so you have a roof over your head, for food to live, schooling for your kids, whatever it may be - YOU HAVE A REASON so dig deep and find it. Very few people can say that they truly LOVE what they do, when you love your job getting up for work becomes easier, dealing with difficult days is that much easie...