How to secure your dream job through the perfect interview
You would never go write an exam without having studied. You would not buy a new car without reviewing the specifications and checking it out first. So why do we go into a job interview which has the potential to change our lives so blindly?
Note: From January 2008 – December 2009 I travelled to London
2010 – 2011 Peter Paul Co Sales Representative
Nailing the perfect interview is not only about what you are wearing, or how perfectly your make up is applied, it’s all about preparation.
You would never go write an exam without having studied. You would not buy a new car without reviewing the specifications and checking it out first. So why do we go into a job interview which has the potential to change our lives so blindly?
The truth of the matter is that we depend on our experience and winning personalities to secure us the job. If only we had followed the 3 P’s of a successful interview (Preparation, Portfolio and Presentation), such simple concepts that could ensure you securing your dream job.
How honoured don’t you feel when you have made an appointment somewhere and when you walk in you are greeted by name, or how about when you deal with a service provider that goes out of their way to thank you for your 3 years continuous support? Why then would you not treat your potential future employer with the same mannerism?
Imagine walking into an interview and greeting the interviewees by name, or when asked why you want to work for them, knowing exactly what it is about the company that attracts you i.e. values etc. – a lasting impression don’t you think?
Try using these 3 P’s before your next interview:
Preparation: The internet is such a powerful tool; you will be able to find any company portfolio, if you they are not listed on the internet then you should already question how reputable or stable the company is. Ensure that you know who the key stakeholders are, know when the company was started/how long they have been in business and find out if they have any additional offices. Most importantly make sure that you read through the companies values and ethics and ensure that these are aligned to your own values and ethics. There is nothing worse than working for a company that goes against everything you believe in.
Portfolio: Make sure that your portfolio is comprehensive and up to date. Ensure that all the dates flow and that there are no gaps within your CV, if there are gaps ensure that you include a note i.e.:
2003 – 2007 Joe Soap Factory ForemanNote: From January 2008 – December 2009 I travelled to London
2010 – 2011 Peter Paul Co Sales Representative
Allow your CV to be easily readable by using bullet points to list your duties. For many vacancies these days adding your picture is not a bad choice, just ensure that the picture you are adding is a tasteful one.
Presentation: Remember when you went to meet you partners parents for the first time, you wore you best Sunday clothes, ensured that your hair was neat and you smelt as fresh as a daisy. Why not take the same route when going for an interview? When you dress to impress you ultimately feel at your best, this in turn shows in the interview in your demeanour and body language. I can promise you that the interviewer will make a note of how confident you came across in the interview. Be sure to sell yourself, this is a difficult one, you would praise your partner, your kids, your parents and friends but ask you to say one nice thing about yourself and you become shy. Know your worth and sell the hell out of it, after all who knows your product better than you? At the same time ensure that you are not coming off as arrogant by being too overconfident, you can avoid this by trying out your sales pitch to a friend and getting their opinion.
Master these three steps and you are well on your way to getting that dream job!
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