Doing it for me

As humans our innate ability to make excuses and justify is outstanding, I am sure if we ever had to compete against another type of life form and they held a challenge which included excuses and justification we would win hands down!

It is this ability however that holds us back from reaching our true potential, whether it be that you are taking on a new challenge, doing part time studies or starting a diet we have already formulated 100's of excuses as to why we are unable to reach our goals which we have not even yet started trying to achieve.

So how do we overcome these excuses? Personally I don't think there is one recipe or quick win to do this, what works for me however is to understand why I am doing something and to know that I am doing it for me, not for someone who made a comment about how I looked, not for someone who said if I wanted to get anywhere in life I needed a Degree and most certainly not for anyone who made me feel anything other than loved.

People can be harsh and they will always talk about you whether good or bad, this you cannot control, but how you allow those comments to affect you, that is most certainly in your control. Allowing this to negatively impact you will make you a slave to life's disappointments, you will definitely never complete anything as you will give up at the first sign of a negative comment. You are unique, there is only one like you, what you do matters and you were placed on earth for a reason and I am 100% surethat reason was not to do bend to the will of everyone else. So take charge of your life, put your excuses aside and whatever your next challenge may be do it for you and only you!


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