Being a good teen mom

So this year was the year I became a mother of a teenager! I don't even know how this happened because honestly I remember my High School Matric Ball like it was yesterday. When I told this to the cashier at Exclusive books when buying my now teenager his favourite books for his birthday she laughed way too loud which led me to believe that despite my denial I must definitely look older than I think. Once again I know that having been a teenager myself that life just seems to be out to get you and nothing seems fair but being on the other side now I am like WTH is wrong with you and why are you sooooooooooooooooo moody. Honestly being the only female in a house full of males I should be the only one allowed to throw hissy fits but no I can tell you boys can throw tantrums just as well as girls lol. Everything seems like such an effort and every request seems like its monumental, take for example when I say "Please can you go and dry off the dishes in the kitchen", ...