The High School Hustle
So you have managed to secure the school of your dreams and just when you think it is time to sit back and enjoy the spoils of all your efforts to get your child into a high school you realize that this is only the tip of the iceberg because now the real hustle begins!
Since our acceptance we have been to a new parent meeting, sports training (yes for next year already), sport open day to explore options for next year which we have already chosen as per the numerous forms we have had to complete, and lastly the dreaded and not cheap task of purchasing School Uniform. You will note in one of my earlier blogs of High School Woes that I discuss the huge jump in tuition fees from Primary School to High School. This is only the start as you have to purchase a full new set of uniform inclusive of Blazer, the total cost of anything from R1500 to R5000! Then there is that lovely "voluntary donation" you are giving to the school yearly over and above your monthly donations, but wait there is more! What skills can you offer to school and how much of your time are you able to donate to the school, note that it does not state "are you able to", but how much, indicating that it is not an optional request lol.
I think back to my high school career which yes I know was 2 decades ago but honestly all my parents had to do was ensure that I was clothed for high school and that my school fees were paid. The extent of their involvement was coming to my sports games and parent teacher meetings. These days the parent involvement at school is turned up to maximum, but I am not complaining if it helps my kids to a better future and better school experiences.
As I paged through the tons of communication I have received from the High School I find myself already slightly hyperventilating at all the stuff that is expected of us as a family in the new year and my brain is scrambling to try and figure out how I am going to manage this plate that is already so full (studies, full time job, other kid in primary school). I can now understand why Ostriches decide to just stick their heads in the sand because sometimes you just feel like its too much and you need a moment to breathe #OstrichLife.
Then I look at this 13 year old which in mind still seems like a little kid and wonder how in heavens name this child is going to make it on his own in High School, the words that come to mind is that they are going to eat him up and spit him out but I know that this is just my perception and that the kid is far stronger than he looks. So I just have to hope and pray that the foundations we have laid for him are strong enough to help him through whatever he may face in the coming year.
To all those in the same boat, here's to the hustle #keephustling, are you ready for it?
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