My Covid Journey Continued #Surviving

Tomorrow marks a week since receiving my positive results and today was probably the hardest day emotionally for me. For those that know me positivity is something that comes so naturally to me however today I find myself searching for that positivity. Today I just feel like I have had enough, like all I want to do is hold my kids and give them kisses, when Zach stands at the door of my bedroom and says he misses laying next to me, I literally feel my heart breaking a little. I know this too shall pass and it is more than likely very human to be feeling this way, after all its nearly the end of the first week. Lets start with what has transpired since my last blog, we received the results of the boys back and we were overjoyed that both boys tested negative, however sadly Andre too was positive. The doctor was telling me how strange and varied each persons reaction to this virus is and I can see that first hand between Andre and myself. Andre is asymptomatic whereas I had every ...