My Covid Journey #Surviving

We are living during a time of uncertainty and fear with a virus no one knows how to beat. I consider myself and my family to be quite law abiding so when the first lock down came and we were advised to stay at home we did exactly that. I remember thinking that given my pre-existing Asthma that I need to be extra cautious. I stayed in, hubby went do the shops, I wiped off everything that came into the house and washed my hands regularly.

So what went wrong? Truthfully I have no idea. I went out once, yes your reading it right once and abided by all the rules of wearing my mask sanitizing etc., came home got undressed in the garage and jumped straight into the shower. So it goes without saying that when I started to feel ill a 3 days later I simply put it down to my bronchitis potentially returning as I had had it twice this year already, I visited my doctor who prescribed meds but indicated that I should potentially go and have myself tested as a precaution. I remember not even touching anything at the doctors practice for my safety and theirs. By Friday I went for the test and honestly I was starting to feel worse, but I was filled with so much anxiety over the test given all the horror stories I have heard. Had the test done and truthfully it is not sore at all, simply a few seconds of discomfort and your done, the nurses at Kingsbury Hospital testing tent were amazing. Sure it does feel like they are trying to reach your brain through your nose but really not sore at all.

By Friday evening things were looking up and I was not feeling as bad, Saturday I could barely lift my head out of bed due to the headaches and by Saturday night I felt extremely bad. I remember waking up on Sunday morning and knowing that something was not right, I had a sore body, felt dehydrated by the rampant fevers and as nauseas as someone who was in their first trimester. Then came the SMS that confirmed it, Dear Lancet Laborities Patient, kindly note that your Covid 19 test result is Positive. My heart stopped for a minute and I had to hold myself together for the boys. We chatted about it and informed the kids that they along with my husband would need to go have themselves tested the next day as well. I remember feeling guilty about having placed my family in this position which I suppose is a natural instinct luckily my boys did not take the news too badly at all, kids are far more resilient than we give them credit for.

Hubby and the boys went for the test yesterday and despite the kids being fearful they did extremely well but again the nurses at Kingsbury were such stars. For me thus far the fevers are the worst as they make you feel terrible and dehydrated, the chills are bearable as it is far easier to keep warm. I have not really been able to eat much as the nausea and stomach pains don't really help. I have self isolated myself to a room in the house and the boys stand by the door just to say hi from time to time, its not ideal but far better than being sent to an isolation facility. The biggest pain is having to clean the bathroom every time I use the toilet or shower. Many people have asked what I am taking so the doctor prescribed Efferflu C, Calciferol, Zimplex and still pain for the fevers. Apparently these vitamins are good for helping to fight the virus.

Now all we can do is treat the symptoms, take precautions and hope for favourable results for the rest of the family. I think the reality is that we will all be exposed to this at some point or another and that it will be a different experience for us all. My faith carries me through and all prayers are always welcome, a huge thanks to those that have been so supportive it means the world.


  1. Stay strong, get well soon.

  2. Thinking of your and the boys Sammy, you are in my prayers. Thanking for sharing this journey with us.

  3. U are an amazingly strong woman Sam; u will overcome this and know my prayers and thoughts are with you. love u lots Nadia

  4. Omgoodness Sammy...... Stay strong girl sending love and hugs your way #strongpanther #weloveyou

  5. We PRAY for speedy recovery in this time Sam God bless you for sharing mwah

  6. Sam just remember you in our thoughts and prayers and we serve an Amazing GOD and he will carry you, Andre and the boys thru this difficult time. Keep the faith.Love Priscilla and family xxx

  7. Thinking of you Sam. You are and your family in my prayers. My work mom.

  8. Strongs to you and family Sam.Just reading your journey makes me more aware that if this crosses my path i too will remain positive and do what i need to.Take care😘😷

  9. HI Sam.
    So sorry to hear this is happening to you. I know you are strong and the love of your family will pull you through. Sam i so needed to read this journey you have taken and i know that alot of people will benefit from it. Sending you and the family lots of love. Gaynor.

  10. Sam
    Thanks for sharing your story with us.
    I will be holding you & your fam in prayer πŸ™

  11. Keeping you in our prayers Sam. And praying for favorable results for Andre and the boys.

  12. You are in our thoughts & prayers. God will carry you & your family through this.


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