And They Lived Happily Ever After

As a young girl I loved reading Fairytales which would usually end with the Prince who won the heart of the Princess, they got married and lived happily ever after. This is what I believed true love is and what happened in real life, but having grown up I sit back and reflect on the teachings of these fairytales and wonder how misguided they are. For those of you who are married you know that as thrilling as the chase was and as whirlwind as your relationship may have been, it is not truly the only hard work required in your relationship and in the words of Beyoncé "putting a ring on it" does not mean that you can now just sit back and enjoy the spoils of your hard work. On the contrary the hard work begins when you say I do, not because there is anything wrong with the person you chose or that your relationship is doomed but simply because any great marriage requires work. Lets take my life as an example, I met my husband at the end of my high school career at the age o...