
Showing posts from 2020


What a journey this has been, to recap I was one of those crazy cautious people that due to my underlying conditions did not venture out of the house, so the one time I did I was extremely cautious and still somehow managed to catch the dreaded Covid virus. My first thought turned to my family (hubby and kids) and my mind raced with what this meant for them. My boys were so brave and did the nostril testing along with my hubby, luckily both boys were negative and only hubby and myself were positive. What followed was a rollercoaster of emotions and ailments. I honestly did not even comprehend how sick I was, from fevers, body aches, no taste in my mouth, tummy cramps, shortness of breath, cough, and nausea. My stats for oxygen at one point was between 89 - 91 and on more than one occasion the doctor wanted me to be admitted to hospital, however my fear was that being hospitalized might open me up to picking up even more infections on top of Covid, whether this was the right or wr...

My Covid Journey Continued #Surviving

Tomorrow marks a week since receiving my positive results and today was probably the hardest day emotionally for me. For those that know me positivity is something that comes so naturally to me however today I find myself searching for that positivity. Today I just feel like I have had enough, like all I want to do is hold my kids and give them kisses, when Zach stands at the door of my bedroom and says he misses laying next to me, I literally feel my heart breaking a little. I know this too shall pass and it is more than likely very human to be feeling this way, after all its nearly the end of the first week. Lets start with what has transpired since my last blog, we received the results of the boys back and we were overjoyed that both boys tested negative, however sadly Andre too was positive. The doctor was telling me how strange and varied each persons reaction to this virus is and I can see that first hand between Andre and myself. Andre is asymptomatic whereas I had every ...

My Covid Journey #Surviving

We are living during a time of uncertainty and fear with a virus no one knows how to beat. I consider myself and my family to be quite law abiding so when the first lock down came and we were advised to stay at home we did exactly that. I remember thinking that given my pre-existing Asthma that I need to be extra cautious. I stayed in, hubby went do the shops, I wiped off everything that came into the house and washed my hands regularly. So what went wrong? Truthfully I have no idea. I went out once, yes your reading it right once and abided by all the rules of wearing my mask sanitizing etc., came home got undressed in the garage and jumped straight into the shower. So it goes without saying that when I started to feel ill a 3 days later I simply put it down to my bronchitis potentially returning as I had had it twice this year already, I visited my doctor who prescribed meds but indicated that I should potentially go and have myself tested as a precaution. I remember not eve...

Callous Corona Community

Today saw the start of an unprecedented event, a country in lock down. Never in the history of my life, my mother's, my grandmother or her grandmother's life has this ever happened before! The nation watched in sheer shock and despair as our President made the announcement and we all felt the emotion when he said Enkosi Sikelel IAfrika, at least this is what I thought. So why is it that so many areas within the Western Cape inclusive of my own is acting as if it is merely a normal day, a public holiday of sorts? I saw numerous videos sent via WhatsApp and on the news of Town Centre looking as packed as it is on a normal day, stalls that would normally operate functioning as always. In my area I hear the sounds of children playing in the road, I see people walking by, teenagers still hanging around on corners WTH PEOPLE!!!!! Have you all not seen the news of what is taking place around the world? Have you not seen that our numbers jumped from 50 last week to over 1000 t...