
What a journey this has been, to recap I was one of those crazy cautious people that due to my underlying conditions did not venture out of the house, so the one time I did I was extremely cautious and still somehow managed to catch the dreaded Covid virus. My first thought turned to my family (hubby and kids) and my mind raced with what this meant for them. My boys were so brave and did the nostril testing along with my hubby, luckily both boys were negative and only hubby and myself were positive. What followed was a rollercoaster of emotions and ailments. I honestly did not even comprehend how sick I was, from fevers, body aches, no taste in my mouth, tummy cramps, shortness of breath, cough, and nausea. My stats for oxygen at one point was between 89 - 91 and on more than one occasion the doctor wanted me to be admitted to hospital, however my fear was that being hospitalized might open me up to picking up even more infections on top of Covid, whether this was the right or wr...